Author: Sarah Wilkinson

Sarah Wilkinson is an employment solicitor with over 20 years of experience in dispute resolution. Sarah also has extensive experience in breach of contract claims and injunctions. Sarah is a member of The Law Society, The SRA and the ELA. To contact Sarah, visit the Contact Us page. For media enquiries: Read Sarah's Full Bio.

Without prejudice letter contained effective dismissal

The Employment Appeal Tribunal has supported a Tribunal’s finding that a Claimant’s employment was effectively terminated by a “Without Prejudice” letter containing a dismissal and erroneously referring to termination by “mutual agreement”. In the matter of Meaker v Cyxtera Technology UK Ltd, the Employment Appeal Tribunal held that a“Without Prejudice” letter which included a draft […]

When does workplace banter become harassment?

Discrimination legislation in the UK protects employees from “banter” which has the effect of violating their dignity or creating an intimidating, humiliating, hostile, degrading or offensive environment. Such conduct can amount to harassment if it is related to one of the protected characteristics listed below: – Age Disability Gender reassignment Marriage and civil partnership Pregnancy […]

When are post-termination restriction clauses unreasonable?

Post-termination restriction clauses can be controversial as there are often doubts as to their enforceability. There is currently a public consultation on proposals to reform post-termination non-competition clauses, which might prevent them from being enforced to any degree in the future. We eagerly await the Government’s response to this consultation. At present, post-termination restrictions are […]

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