David Harris interviewed by BBC Radio about changes to Sick Pay

By David Harris on July 16th, 2019

David Harris, Managing Partner at DPH Legal was interviewed by BBC Radio Berkshire to discuss the proposed changes to sick pay entitlement.

You can listen to the interview here:

Currently, employees must earn at least the equivalent of 14 hours on the minimum wage (at least £118 per week) to qualify for Statutory Sick Pay. But the government is looking at whether to extend this to those earning less than this threshold.

The Department for Work and Pensions and the Department of Health and Social Care have launched a consultation on proposed changes which could include more help for those returning to work after sick leave, the ability to claim it for mental as well as physical health conditions and the introduction of an SSP rebate for employers that manage sickness absence effectively and support their employees to return to work.

For further information go to: https://www.gov.uk/government/consultations/health-is-everyones-business-proposals-to-reduce-ill-health-related-job-loss   Author David Harris, Managing Partner & Founder See David’s full bio here

David Harris

David Harris

July 16th, 2019

David Harris is a recognised employment solicitor with over 10 years of experience in advising employees and employers on employment law matters. He is a frequent contributor to BBC Radio Berkshire and People Management Magazine. David has represented individual and corporate clients in the employment tribunal as well as the High Court and County Court. David is a member of The Law Society and The Employment Lawyers Association (ELA UK). To contact David, visit the Contact Us page. For media enquiries: info@dphlegal.com.

Read David’s Full Bio.

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