Discrimination Claims – Guidance for Employers

Discrimination Claims – Advice for Employees

Has one of your employees claimed that you or one of your managers has discriminated against them?

Are you unsure how to manage this correctly?

If so we can assist you.

Specialist Discrimination Claims Advice for Employers

As a local firm of lawyers with extensive experience in defending discrimination claims, we can offer high-quality advice and formulate a strategy to mitigate the impact of a potential claim for compensation.

We can help negotiate a Settlement Agreement which will prevent unnecessary payments and legal action from taking place.

The law around discrimination is complex and businesses often seek the advice of an employment lawyer to assist them and ensure they don’t incur a needless financial loss.

Should your organisation not have a discrimination policy in place, we can also create this for you.

How much will it cost?

We provide a complimentary phone consultation with a skilled legal professional to evaluate your situation and recommend the most effective strategy.

We can then agree on either an hourly rate or a fixed fee to formulate a defence which will minimise any potential claims.

Call us on 0118 914 5622 or complete our Contact Us Form to arrange a free and confidential call back from a qualified lawyer.

When you call DPH Legal, you will speak with a qualified employment law expert who will be able to guide and advise you on your unique situation.

    Get in Touch Today

    We can be contacted 24 hours a day.
    Our Reading Head Office address is:

    Davidson House
    Forbury Square
    RG1 3EU
    0118 914 5622
    07850 952245