Settlement Agreement Solicitors in Reading

Settlement Agreement Lawyers

If you’re in a dispute with your employer or are going through a redundancy process you may be offered a settlement agreement. This was previously known as a compromise agreement.

Can you be sure the agreement is fair?

Have you been offered sufficient compensation for the loss of your job?

Our experienced employment law team at DPH Legal have been advising clients regarding settlement agreement matter for many years.

Settlement Agreement Legal Advice

With established offices across the UK, we have given expert settlement agreement advice to many clients.

What is a Settlement Agreement Definition?

Settlement agreements are typically received by an employee once their employment has been terminated by their employer. It is a legally binding document or agreement.

An employer gives severance pay to an employee in exchange for them not raising or taking a claim. It usually provides for a severance payment made to the employee from the employer. This is on the agreement that the employee does not pursue or raise any future claim in an Employment Tribunal.

At DPH Legal, we offer settlement agreement legal advice. Such advise from our qualified employment lawyers will ensure your settlement agreement is legally binding.

How much will settlement agreement advice cost?

Typically the advice will not cost the employee anything. The employer will cover the costs for the initial legal advice. DPH Legal will always notify a client upfront if any additional fees apply.

How long does the settlement agreement legal advice process take?

We endeavour to provide our clients with settlement agreement legal advice the same day we receive it. An experienced senior employment solicitor will handle the call from the get-go through to completion.

In the past, we have given expert advice over the phone and in face-to-face meetings, but for the foreseeable future due to the current Covid-19 restrictions, advice over the phone is the preferred option.

Our team of senior, qualified solicitors can process a simple settlement agreement, or compromise agreement, quickly. On some occasions, clients wish us to negotiate compensation and terms on their behalf. In those situations, we have been very successful at achieving significant pay-out increases.

You can read some of our success stories on our testimonials page.

When you contact our team of experts, you’ll actually speak with a qualified employment law expert capable of giving you guidance for your specific situation.

You can give us a call at 0118 914 5622 or contact us using our Contact Form to arrange a free, confidential call back from one of our senior employment lawyers.

    Get in Touch Today

    We can be contacted 24 hours a day.
    Our Reading Head Office address is:

    Davidson House
    Forbury Square
    RG1 3EU
    0118 914 5622
    07850 952245